Tiring day today. But for some reason I was able to do stuff without much resistance and it felt.. strange. Maybe this is what a good day feels like? The weather here is still very, very grey. Haven’t seen blue skies in weeks. In order to dispel the gloom I made lasagna. It was so good. R ate it without protest too. Also it was so good that I ate too much and now my tummy hurts.

This morning the temperature was perfect and R didn’t kick me all night so for a change I slept in except it was Wednesday and we woke up being late for school. So it was hurry hurry all morning and somehow we made it to school in time after breakfast at Starbucks which I had promised last night. Don’t know what I’m packing for lunch tomorrow but looks like it’s going to be a quesadilla/cutlet situation. Okay I am too tired for anything more. Good night.

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